Special promo 3 light bears with fondant layer warp 5&7" Promo
Special promo 3 light bears with fondant layer warp 5&7" Promo Special promo 3 light bears with fondant layer warp 5&7" Promo

Date of event: 25th June 2023 

Cake size : 5&7" Cake flavour : Vanilla Strawberries

Child's name: Kaius Age: 100 days 

Topper to be a light bear with clothes on a rocking horse. All remaining 2 bears to be light coloured. Fondant layer as per the picture. 

Includes promo sets of 25 mini with cream and brown swirl without sprinkles cupcakes with, 25 Bear shape Macarons, 25 mini brownies. 

Price includes delivery. If the locations is at Changi, Loyang, Tuas, CBD, Town and Sentosa will have an additional S$20 for transport.